by Gabriele Bonafede UK is hitting Brexit in way much similar to Titanic hitting an iceberg. Trade is plummeting beyond pandemic’s impact, entire sectors...
Mese: Maggio 2021
by Gabriele Bonafede A total of 35 Senate Republicans voted against a bipartisan Commission on Capitol attack of January 6, 2021. With the US...
by Gabriele Bonafede Brexit transformed the United Kingdom in a sort of Disuniting Kingdom. Disuniting within itself, as Scotland and Northern Ireland problems keep...
di Gabriele Bonafede Andare all'”hub” per la vaccinazione della Fiera a Palermo per avere somministrato il vaccino con regolare appuntamento e all’orario stabilito può...

(originally published on June 24th 2016, in Italian, here) by Giovanni Rosciglione I want to say it with my own words, what I feel,...
by Gabriele Bonafede Let us look at a strange speech talking about the United Kingdom and European Union. “… I must now sum up...
by Gabriele Bonafede Does Brexit bring benefits? It is not so difficult to answer. Of course, does not bring any. So far, it has...
by Giovanni Burgio Today is the 29th anniversary of judge Giovanni Falcone death, assasinated in the Capaci bombing of May 23th 1992. A date...
di Gabriele Bonafede All’Eurovision song contest 2021 trionfano i Måneskin con “Zitti E Buoni”. La canzone rock che aveva già vinto a Sanremo e...
(This article in the English edition here) di Gabriele Bonafede Il Regno Unito – o ciò che ne è sopravvissuto – sta attualmente attraversando...
Edizione in italiano di questo articolo qui. by Gabriele Bonafede The United Kingdom – or what survived of it – is currently experiencing an...
23 maggio 2021 – Palermo chiama Italia – XXIX Anniversario delle stragi di Capaci e Via D’Amelio Palermo chiama Italia 2021 Il 23 maggio,...
(Questo articolo in italiano, qui) by Elena Beninati Israelis and Palestinians are two peoples serving a single master. They struggle in antithesis against the...
by Gabriele Bonafede ‘Government to hire adviser to identify post-Brexit benefits’, you can read in Bloomberg news. “Boris Johnson’s administration is recruiting an external...
(English edition with update here) di Elena Beninati Israeliani e palestinesi sono due popoli servi di un unico padrone, che lottano in antitesi contro...