di Gabriele Bonafede Emergono sempre più inquietanti testimonianze di intere famiglie danesi maltrattate, compresi i bambini, dai cosiddetti “tifosi” inglesi prima, durante e dopo...
Forum opinioni
Whoever will win between England and Italy, a progressive Europe will be the winner anyway by Gabriele Bonafede What does England’s football team represent...
by Gabriele Bonafede These are tough times for Brexit and Brexiteers. The Brexit ship is sinking in an ocean of problems, while sacking and...
di Elena Beninati La Tunisia è di nuovo in piena crisi. La crisi politica appare sempre più come un riflesso del disfacimento del sistema...
by Gabriele Bonafede In the UK the only real heroes in this pandemic have been NHS employees. All of them have relentlessly worked without...
by Gabriele Bonafede As happened for other ill-planned games of Euro 2020, England vs Ukraine of July 3rd in Rome might turn in a...
by Gabriele Bonafede The UK’s FTSE 100 is one of the few major financial indices that hasn’t recovered from the Covid fall of 2020....
by Gabriele Bonafede In the last update of spring 2021, the OECD forecasted that UK GDP will rise by 7.2% in 2021, the fastest...
by Allan Sharpe 23rd June 2016, was a betrayal of Britain. A date that will live in infamy. There were several traitors, all conservative,...
by Gabriele Bonafede As we approach the fifth anniversary of the Brexit referendum, we can anticipate fantastic celebrations. Brexiteers can be happier than British...
by Gabriele Bonafede What in a name: DUP. The Democratic Unionist Party of Northern Ireland, the DUP, embraced the Brexit Leave campaign in 2016...

by Gabriele Bonafede Since 2016, the UK’s thirst for self-harming seems bottomless. Brits will soon celebrate five years of shooting their own feet as...
by Gabriele Bonafede The UK and EU are on the brink of a trade war, starting from sausages. But the real news after a...
di Gianluca Navarrini Ottantaquattro anni fa, il 9 giugno 1937, su una strada di campagna nei pressi di Bagnoles de l’Orne – in Normandia...
by Gabriele Bonafede “In an exclusive interview, Ireland’s EU commissioner Mairead McGuinness told the Irish Independent the UK was “playing a very dangerous game” by inflaming...