19 Febbraio 2025

1 thought on “Leavers who voted Leave and do not want to leave

  1. The Brits who voted leave are so stupid they didn’t realize that voting to leave the EU meant just that, a vote to leave the EU. They are so arrogant they referred to themselves as ‘ex pats’ (from the Latin terms ex (‘out of’) and patria (‘country, fatherland’)” rather than to see themselves for what they really are: immigrants. It’s almost comical to read bewildered rants from people like Shaun Cromber, who voted for Britain to leave the EU in 2016. “Yes I voted out, but didn’t realise it would come to this. My application has been rejected and we are on our way home – the wife is in tears, she’s distraught if I’m honest and I’m not too happy at the prospect of returning back to the UK. He finishes by saying “I think the Spanish will regret chucking us out of Spain.” Really?

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